Volksschule Neustiftgasse

Hello, my name is Miss Jeannie! I am from San Diego, California and have been living and teaching English in Vienna for the past two years. This is my first year as a full-time native English teacher at Neustiftgasse Volksschule, and so far I really enjoy working here! The children have learned so much already from the songs we sing, the games we play, and the art projects we create. Here are some of the things we have done this year!

In the second class, we carved Jack o’Lanterns for Halloween! Aren’t they spooky?


These are our hand-print turkeys that we painted for the American holiday, Thanksgiving. We talked about what we are thankful for, like for our families, school and friends.


Fun with the rainbow and colors in the first class.


The third and fourth classes learned how to talk about families, such as the Simpsons Family. These are our self-portraits as silly Simpsons characters!


