Volksschule Neustiftgasse

Ready, set, Goooo!

Das youngCaritas LaufWunder 2019

On May 23, all the students, teachers, and daycare teachers from our school traveled to the Donaucity Sportcenter to partake in the youngCaritas LaufWunder charity run. The kids had a blast running for 45 minutes around the track, stopping for water breaks, playing games, and eating their prize ice creams at the end of the run. Our school had the biggest tournout with over 200 kids!

Touch your toes!
Melanie doing her warm up dance 🙂
Go David!


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And they’re off!

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More fun and games…

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Overall, it was a great day of fun with friends, fresh air, exercise.

And finally, a BIG thanks to Melanie (one of our wonderful daycare teachers) who organized the event!
