School Registration 2023/24
2-Step Admissions Procedure
Step 1
- Parents of eligible school-children receive a letter from the Bildungsdirektion Wien (the board of education).
- In November, make an appointment with your school of choice and bring the following documents:
- e-card
- Meldezettel (proof of residence)
- Letter from the Bildungsdirektion (board of education)
- Proof of citizenship
- Proof of religious creed
- Registration form
- We are taking appointment reservations now. Please call: +43 1 4000 5616

- You will recieve an allocation of admission in February.
- We are a public school, so although you may send in a request for your child to attend, the board of education in Vienna makes the final decision.
- After school allocation, make an admissions appointment for you and your child.
Step 2 - with your child
- School readiness assessment: children will meet with their teacher and their abilities will be determined in a playful manner.
- MIKA-D (German proficiency test) - if needed
- Medical examination

We’re looking forward to meeting you and your child: +43 1 4000 5616 20